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Understanding the Apache Iceberg Manifest List (Snapshot)

Published: at 09:00 AM


Apache Iceberg is an open lakehouse table format designed to take datasets in distributed file systems and turn them into database like tables. It has gained popularity for its ability to handle complex data engineering challenges, such as ensuring data consistency, enabling schema evolution, and supporting efficient query execution. One of the critical components that make this possible is its robust metadata management.

We will focus on a crucial aspect of Iceberg’s metadata architecture—the Manifest List file. The Manifest List plays a pivotal role in Iceberg’s snapshot mechanism, helping to track changes across the dataset and optimize query performance. Understanding the purpose of the Manifest List, the details it contains, and how query engines utilize it to plan which data files to scan is essential for data engineers looking to maximize the efficiency of their data lakehouses.

What is a Manifest List?

The Manifest List is a fundamental component within Apache Iceberg’s architecture. It serves as a metadata file that tracks all the manifest files associated with a specific snapshot of a table. In simpler terms, when a snapshot is created, the Manifest List records which groups of data files (manifests) are included in that snapshot.

The Role of the Manifest List in Iceberg

The primary role of the Manifest List is to efficiently manage and track the state of data within a snapshot. Unlike traditional systems where entire directories or large sets of files are scanned to identify relevant data, Iceberg uses the Manifest List to keep this process highly efficient.

In essence, the Manifest List acts as a crucial index that ensures Iceberg can scale to manage massive datasets without compromising on query performance or data integrity.

Contents Inside the Manifest List File

The Manifest List file is not just a simple pointer to other files; it is a rich metadata file that contains detailed information crucial for the efficient management and querying of data in Apache Iceberg. Each entry in a Manifest List corresponds to a manifest file and includes various fields that describe the state and characteristics of that manifest.

Key Components of the Manifest List

Here are the essential fields you’ll find inside a Manifest List file:

How These Fields Relate to Data Files

Each of these fields in the Manifest List provides critical metadata that links the snapshot to its underlying data files:

  "manifest-list": [
      "manifest_path": "s3://bucket/path/to/manifest1.avro",
      "manifest_length": 1048576,
      "partition_spec_id": 1,
      "content": 0,
      "sequence_number": 1001,
      "min_sequence_number": 1000,
      "added_files_count": 5,
      "existing_files_count": 10,
      "deleted_files_count": 2,
      "added_rows_count": 500000,
      "existing_rows_count": 1000000,
      "deleted_rows_count": 200000,
      "partitions": [
          "contains_null": false,
          "contains_nan": false,
          "lower_bound": "2023-01-01",
          "upper_bound": "2023-01-31"
      "manifest_path": "s3://bucket/path/to/manifest2.avro",
      "manifest_length": 2097152,
      "partition_spec_id": 2,
      "content": 0,
      "sequence_number": 1002,
      "min_sequence_number": 1001,
      "added_files_count": 8,
      "existing_files_count": 7,
      "deleted_files_count": 3,
      "added_rows_count": 750000,
      "existing_rows_count": 700000,
      "deleted_rows_count": 150000,
      "partitions": [
          "contains_null": true,
          "contains_nan": false,
          "lower_bound": "2023-02-01",
          "upper_bound": "2023-02-28"


The Manifest List is an essential component of Apache Iceberg’s architecture, playing a critical role in managing large datasets with efficiency and precision. By tracking the manifest files associated with each snapshot, the Manifest List enables Iceberg to provide powerful features like atomic snapshots, time travel, and optimized query execution.

Through its detailed metadata, the Manifest List allows query engines to intelligently decide which data files to scan, significantly reducing unnecessary I/O and speeding up query performance. Whether you’re dealing with a data lakehouse or a complex analytics platform, understanding how the Manifest List operates can help you harness the full potential of Apache Iceberg.

As the landscape of data engineering continues to evolve, tools like Iceberg, with its robust metadata management, will be increasingly vital in ensuring that data platforms remain scalable, efficient, and capable of handling the demands of modern data workloads.

For those looking to dive deeper into Apache Iceberg, consider exploring the following resources:

Resources to Learn More about Iceberg